177 research outputs found

    Parameter Fokus Optis Pada Sistem Akuisisi Citra (Optical Focusing Parameters In An Image Acquisition System)

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    ABSTRAK One of the problems of obtaining an image of high quality is the availability of an acquisition system with autofocus control in it\u27s optical system. There are some optical focusing parameters which can be used to control the positions of optical lenses to get an image with the best quality. These parameters however present some weakness in searching the optimal point during the lenses position control. The weakness are in computation speed and the presence of a local maximum at it\u27s parameter curve. This research is intended to develop an optical focusing parameter that can be used to increase the speed and to avoid the local maximum This parameter is based on two dimensional Fourier transform approach. The image data are captured with an adjustable focus camera with a resolution of 320x240 and the parameters are computed using Pentium 4 computer. The results show that the parameter computation speed is increased by a factor of about seven and the local maximum is canceled. Keywords : focusing parameters, Fourier transform, optical transfer functio

    Akuisisi, Pengolahan, dan Analisis Isyarat Suara Jantung (Heart Sound Signal Acquisition, Processing, and Analysis).

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    Different physicians may hear the same heart sound differently, and perhaps interpret them differently. The aim of this research is to realize a system that can aid the physicians to interpret objectively the heart sounds by analyzing the heart sound signals in time, spectral, and wavelet domain. The research was realized by constructing an acquisition circuit that amplifi and filter the signal detected by a stethoscope coupled with a microphone. The amplified signal is then digitalized and processed by computer besides amplifying its power to drive a loudspeaker. The processed signal is then analyzed using time, frequency, and wavelet techniques. The results show that the acquisition circuit can amplifi and filter the signal with the pass-band gain of 90 dB with a cut-of ffrequency of about 1 KHz and a transition-band slope of â40 dB/decade. The heart sounds interval and heart beat rate of the sample persons can be measured. The spectral bandwidth of the signal can be estimated and the time âfrequency pattern of the signal can be observed. Keywords: Heart sound, acquisition, processing, spectral, wavelet, analysi

    Pengendalian suhu terapi dengan pemanasan gelombang mikro 2450 mhz untuk jaringan biologis

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    ABSTRACT The use of microwave heating for therapeutic applications necessites a temperature control to obtain a temperature range of 40 to 45°C An experimentation on microwave generator has been carried out. The results show that 300 W, 2450 Mhz magnetron can be adapted to that microwave heating by on-off and power control

    Jaringan neural Untuk Pengenalan Pola yang Invarian Terhadap Translasi Dan Rotan

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    Analog coupled neurons (CN) can be used in trainable pattern recognition systems. A training algorithm called Coupled Neuron Rule (CNR) is used to implement classification functions. A character recognition.system involving an invariance network and a trainable classifier is proposed. The invariance net can be trained to produce a set of outputs that are insensitive to translation and rotation of the retinal input patterns. The outputs of the invariance net are scrambled. When these outputs are fed to a trainable classifier, the final outputs are descrambled and the original patterns are reproduced in standard position and orientatio


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    This research was solely conducted to observe the adaptive filter ability in identification of multipath channel for Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). The method used was limited to a simulation of mutipath channel identification by adaptive filter, which imitated the characteristics of the channel. LMS (Least Mean Square) and NLMS (Normalized Least Mean Square) filter were observed, where as Kalman was used to compare the results. There were some variable to be varied in this simulation, namely the convergence variable, the filter length, and the SNR. Channel identification analysis is based on the estimated channel coefficients compared with channel coefficients, the convergence constant of adaptive filter, the adaptation time, the mean square errors (MSE), and the bit error rates. The results show that NLMS filter has a good performance in channel identification. LMS filter has largest mean square error in the channel identification. Kalman gives more precise results but has complex algorithm. Kalman left the least mean square error, which is 4.1e-34 at 0.16 of convergence rate. All filters have good performance on signal detection in various signal to noise ratio, especially for SNR ³ 10 dB.  Bit error rate at 10 dB SNR is 3.33e-4


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    Makalah ini membahas monitoring suhu ruangan dengan sistem terdistribusi berbasis mikrokontroler. Monitoring yang dirancang terdiri atas satu unit modul pusat (mikrokontroler master) yang berfungsi sebagai pengendali komunikasi untuk keseluruhan sistem dan dua unit modul cabang (mikrokontroler slave) sebagai simulasi pengendali yang terletak pada dua tempat (ruangan) yang berbeda. RS458 digunakan sebagai penghubung komunikasi antar mikrokontroler master-slave menggunakan transmisi saluran ganda dua kabel dengan mode komunikasi half-duplex. Unit slave I dan slave 2 bekerja berdasarkan data instrulesiyang diperoleh dari jalur komunikasi RS485 yang merupakan data instrulesiyang dikirimkan oleh unit master. LM35DZ digunakan sebagai sensor untuk mengukur perubahan temperatur ruangan yang selanjutnya data suhu ruangan yang berada pada masing-masing unit slave akan dikirimkan pada unit master dan ditampilkan pada penampil LCD

    Moving Average Method on Thermal Objects Acquired by Consumer Digital Camera

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    In this paper, an experimentation to enhance the visibility of hot objects in a thermal image acquired with ordinary digital camera is reported, after the applications of contrast stretching. The moving average techniques were used to suppress granular noises. Finally lowpass, median filtering as well moving average method were applied, where the later is best for suppressing granular noise and maintaining the intended thermal images


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    Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk merealisasikan pembuatan pemanas air otomatis yang dapat meningkatkan daya guna dari dispenser yang ada menjadi lebih baik agar dapat digunakan masyarakat luas sehingga diharapkan dapat memudahkan dalam pekerjaan kita sehari-hari terutama yang menyangkut dengan pengunaan dispenser. Keypad digunakan sebagai interface antara alat dengan manusia. Sensor Lm35 berfungsi untuk mengukur suhu air kemudian keluaran dari sensor ini akan sebagaimasukan ke mikrikontroler. Mikrokontroler Atmega8535 akan mengolah data yang dikirimkan oleh LM35 yang akan digunakan untuk mengendalikan heater air akan dipanaskan dan dipertahankan pada suhu 70°C, selanjutnya mikrokontroler akan menampilkan nilai suhu yang terukur pada LCD

    Aplikasi Tapis Digital Untuk Kendali Subwoofer Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega8

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    Perkembangan teknologi Mikrokontroler kini memungkinkan penggunaannya untuk aplikasi yang dahulu hanya bisa diimplementasikan dengan pengolah isyarat digital (Digital Signal Processor). Contohnya adalah tapis digital untuk keperluan aplikasi audio. Makalah tugas akhir ini membahas tentang penggunaan mikrokontroler atmega8 sebagai implementasi bentuk digital dari tapis analog pengendali pengeras suara frekuensi rendah (subwoofer). Hasi! pengamatan menunjukan tanggapan frekuensi tapis digital berbasis mikrokontroler bisa mendekati tapis analog ideal

    Peningkatan Citra Termogram untuk Klasifikasi Kanker Payudara berbasis Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)

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    The application of pattern recognition is related to bioinformatics of medicine, image pattern recognition of illness or analysis of disease. The aim of this study is to measure the accuracy of thermogram images using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) method with and without image processing. Image processing has several steps technique. First step is image pre-processing with wiener filter, histogram equalization, and region growing methods. The second step of image processing is statistical feature extraction. Several values extracted from thermograms. The last step is classification by ANFIS method. This study uses 60 breast thermogram samples with Fluke Ti20 Thermal Camera as acquisition. These samples divided into three classes that are normal thermogram, early breast cancer thermogram, and advanced breast cancer thermogram. From this research that has been done can be proved that ANFIS method without image processing giving an error value 0,6395 in the influence range 0.5 and decreased error value 0,4199 with image processing method in the same influence range
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